Humata AI, combining the power of GPT-4 and 3.5, a model that is geared towards processing uploaded documents and coming up with comprehensive as well as contextual answers to granular questions. This is how it massively enhances legal processes:

Fast 48hr contract review: Humata extracts critical information buried in contracts and allow attorneys to focus on what really matters, rather than manual work for hours. It scans clauses, awards and risks.

Realize Operational Efficiency And Accuracy

In cases of mergers and acquisitions, Humata provide critical issue identification through large datasets the company may be sifting through. It allows you to conduct an in-depth due diligence, and it makes sure that you don’t miss any important thing.

Legal Research: Short on Time? Ask Humata! Legal research – the software fuels it with legal insights, case law summaries and relevant precedents.

Compliance Checks: Humata ensures that you are compliant with regulations so that no legal actions can be performed on your account.

Drafting Contracts: Easily create correct contractor clauses and templates. Humata customizes the language to be used according to context and industry standards.

How Humata Communicates with Clients – Simple, non technical explanations for the clients thereby making it more transparent and trustworthy.

Instant AI insights for your uploads Ask, learn and get micro data 10X faster with Humata1. Humata — Your AI Assistant in a World of Documents was originally published in Lawtomated on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.