As technology continues to shape-shifting chameleon, one potency of communication that is often brushed under the rug is how we interact with — technology in and of itself. They form part of our digital experience1 -the messages that are conveyed to you all the time, behind the click of a mouse or the touch of an app dare I say? Let’s explore:

Understanding Tech Winks:

Tech Winks: The Mute Messengers of the Digitalization. The interchange of information and conversation is done with subtle visual clues, sounds or haptic feedback.

Tech winks operate behind the voices and texts of more traditional means of communication, subtly enhancing and enlivening our digital experiences without needing to be as foregrounded as a text.

Load spinners or progress bars, this is simple animations that confirm the processing of the order to the User. These ‘winks’ make the moments when you are impatient seem like just a natural part of the digital journey.

Role in User Interaction:

Tech winks inspire and guide users to interact in UI/UX design. Subtle animations or visual responses that react to user actions, known as microinteractions, are one example.

It can be as subtle as the color change of a button when clicked or as elegant as a notification sliding in and then out. These tech winks respond and recognise user input.

They are what help create an overall sense of feint before natural interfaces such as animated scrollbar or virbation feedbacks.

Device Communication:

Tech winks are the language that devices understand and by speaking in these turns, you open up every device in the tech wink universe to communicate with each other just as billion tiny text messages huddle together in a chat room hosted by today’s IoT.

Now, picture a dim glow as a response to a voice command if you want your smart home lighting system. They are silent device-to-device interactions for a seamless user experience.

We all know that the auditory feedback we receive – from message notification chimes to clicking sounds our keyboard emits – additionally contribute to defining our virtual universe around.

Be it a loading spinner, color-changing button or subtle glow from your smart home, tech winks spice up our digital world. So play close attention and look out for these invisible signsiseconds.

Wrapping It Up With Wix, you can start your own tech blog with simple tools, hosting and website security built right in.