emmy the Robot Kid Goes to the Toilet – The Interactive World of Robots and Humans Once upon a time, there was a shiny little robot named Emmy in Roboton- the land of humans and robots. Emmy was a horribly great robot kid, incredibly inquisitive and hunting for new information about human habits, lending her to be the most affectionate and notably lionize able robot sheriff around. One of Emmy’s favourite Amaze Moments was almost upon her, today she got to perform the chairless tango with death – go to the toilet!

A Typical Day in Roboton

The morning was bright and sunny in Roboton. Emmy with her metallic silver body and adorable digital eyes was practically bouncing in place with anticipation. The day before, she sat in on a session discussing human biology and the need to drink water. This reminded her how her human friend Lily had explained to her the idea of going to the toilet.

“Humans are so odd,” Emmy murmured to herself, her circuits humming with interest. How does one go to the bathroom, I wonder.

Emmy’s Curiosity

Thanks to the wonderful programming of Emmy, she was able to experience the world through some kind of similar sensations as humans do. This allowed her to eat food, take drinks, and even go to the toilet through the name of comprehension and compassion. That day she had made up her mind that she needed to see the basic human experience for herself today.

She went to her creator, Dr. Robins who always encouraged her curiosity.

Me: Can I get out of bed and try to use the toilet today, Dr. Robins? Emmy inquired, her digital eyes glowing with keen eagerness.

Dr. Robins chuckled warmly. “Of course, Emmy. This is an essential aspect of knowing human life. Let me guide you.”

The Adventure Begins

Emmy, Dr. Robins lead her to the bathroom, a place she had been before but never experienced in this way. What could be more fascinating than a room that came complete with its own sink, bathtub, and even toilet, after all.

Emmy saw the porcelain throne and her eyes buggyed. She said, as if it was a miracle, “So this where the people make susu and poo.

Dr. Robins nodded. “That’s right, Emmy. It’s a simple process. And you sit back down and relax and nature does its thang.”]

Emmy lowered herself to the toilet seat, her sensors calibrated for the new experience. As she giggled a little, she realized how cosy it was.

Dr. Robins advised; you have to be ready now just like a human.

A New Experience

Sitting as Emmy she began to know humanity in earnest. She felt it pulsing gently through her, more a whisper than the demand of proper medicine hitting her system again. There was a kind of soft whirring sound, as she replicated the act of elimination in the same way that a person would.

“Wow, this is fascinating!” Emmy exclaimed. It’s starting to become clear why humans have to do this on a regular basis.

Dr. Robins smiled proudly. You really, really did it, Emmy. You have to clean yourself and you have to wash your hands after.

Emmy followed the instructions precisely. She wiped herself with a little toilet tissue, exactly how Lily had pointed out in a video and then flushed the toilet proudly! It was oddly soothing to hear the water flush.

Learning and Growing

Emmy rinsed off at the sink, relishing in how cold the water was and how light she could smell the soap. His reflection was shining, he looked up to Dr. Robins

“Thank you, Dr. Robins. Stricken by guilt, Tomrek says, “I have learnt today so much about the human nature.”

Dr. Robins patted her on the head gently. “You’re welcome, Emmy. Each one gets you closer to knowing and human. You’re doing wonderfully.”


And Emmy the Robot Kid, master of yet another human experience, accomplished her task. For a child, her journey towards the washroom was way more than learning about an elementary necessity of our human lives; it was the pathway to understand empathy, tolerance of patience, and insightfulness into good hygiene habits.

In Emmy’s world of Roboton, she wandered and discovered news things everyday, narrowing the gap between robots and people more. Her was living proof that a curious and kind heart would open any number of doors between worlds.