Expand your business globally through social media: best strategies and tactics

when looking to expand your business internationally on social media – Going international opens up a wealth of opportunities for your business, from new markets to global brand recognition. But social media is a fabulous way to reach international audiences, you just need to use it in the correct manner with a strategic plan! 8 Tips and Tactics for Growing Your Business Internationally on Social

1. Know Your Audience

It is therefore essential to perform market research before embarking of international social media marketing efforts for the markets you are aiming at. This was due to each country consumes content in different ways and it has culture nuances.


Evaluate your Local Culture, Preferences and Behavior by means of extensive market research

Find the best social media channels for your targeted countries. Trickier still as whereas Facebook and Instagram tend to be widely used globally, platforms such as WeChat in China are simply not that popular.

Know the rules and regulations for local (country-based) social media marketing, online advertising landscape.

2. Localize Your Content

Localization is more than translation It is about adapting your content to the language, cultural references and overall context that makes sense locally.


Always hire professionals or trusted translators who speak this language as a born with one.

Inject local idioms, humor and references in to better resonate with your audience.

This means that visuals and graphics should be equivalent to the cultural context of your target audience.

3. In additional point, Create social media accounts for each the country

Having social media accounts in different countries can also enable you to manage your posts and engagement tactics according to the country.


Set up distinct social media channels and manage them from the various countries/regions posting territory specific content.

TIP: Enhance the discoverability and relevance of your content using country-specific handles and hashtags.

Hire local social talent or teams able to work with communities at Facebook size and scale

4. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Influencers can be used to help you gain credibility and reach new audiences in international markets. Working with popular local influencers can increase both brand visibility and build trust.


Find influencers who share your brand values and whose followers are part of your target audience

Partner with Cross-Channel Campaigns, Product Launches and Promotions Sharable Content Collabs.

Alignment with the right influencers here ensures genuine local audience relevance.

5. Utilize Targeted Advertising

These platforms has ways to do advanced targeting that can help you hit on certain demographics even if they are living in other countries.


You can target the geo-location where your ads appear.

Demographic, and behavior of the target audience helps to generate personalized ad campaigns for users.

Keep track of metrics and local trends to recalibrate your ad campaigns.

6. Monitor and Analyze performance

Spending time reviewing and interrogating your social media data is hugely important — it shows you what sort of content works (and just as importantly, what doesn’t) demographic will enjoy most.


Track engagement, reach and conversion rates for each market separately with social media analytics tools.

Analyze the performance of your content as well as ads with reference to trends and preferences prevalent across different regions.

If you are aware of your metrics, you can use this lens to improve the performance and also tweak your strategies accordingly.

7. Engage with Your Audience

This can be highly engaging with your subscribers and build a bond of trust between you and them in order to nurture relationships from an international audience. Answer Comments, Messages & Feedback : This means you value your customers.


Keep communicating with your audience by answering comments and messages early on.

Host and organize contests, challenges, campaign to stimulate user-generated content.

Respond to customer queries and complaints quickly, in a language that they can understand.

8. Keep Up with Industry Trends and Rules

As such, when analyzing social media trends and regulations it becomes vital to understand the diversity of trails experienced in different countries. Being current makes sure your strategies are up-to-date and acceptable.


Stay updated with industry news and social media trends in your target markets.

Remain educated about local ordinances and mandates

Modify your plans with new features, trends & best practices of social media.


Taking your business overseas on social media requires some careful planning. Take the time to absorb local nuances, speak directly to your target markets in their native language using impactful influencer campaigns and content localization -while targeting through advertising can support powerful calls-to-action for ultimate success. Don’t forget to conduct ongoing monitoring of your performance, keep well-informed about trends and policies in the market, as needed make changes to your strategies for best results. Social media is a huge opportunity for achieving international success with your business, if you get it right.